We do not accept returns or exchanges on this item unless the item you purchased is defective. This item is categorised under 'the made-to-order'' or 'personalised' item.
However, we will endeavour to have them posted as quickly as possible. If there is something you would like us to know, please feel free to contact us at info@thedutchhospital.com or add the note at buyer's checkout box.
DESIGN PROCESS • Our wooden topographic maps are constructed from 4mm Baltic birch wood panels, laser engraved and laser-etched creating a great and accurate details of original vintage map from 1940s, finished in a dark wooden frame.
• This item is finished using best quality colourful interior wood varnish and stain, satin-matt wood finish based on natural micro-porous oils that allows the wood to breathe whilst offering exceptional resistance and durability for both exterior and interior use.
• Please note due to the delicate nature of this item, glass is removed from the frame for safe international and UK delivery. However, it's covered with plexiglass which can be removed and replaced with glass. Therefore, this item is ready to purchase with frame (with plexiglass) and without frame options. So, you can put it in a different frame if you like or buy with plexiglass frame as seen.
• We will give you the opportunity to purchase something truly special and unique to you and your loved one. If you want to choose a location or change the country anywhere in the world please let us know by contacting us directly.
• if possible please let us know if there is a deadline to receive the order or the date you need it by. However, please bear in mind that giving the event date will not speed up the processing of your order unless otherwise we both agreed in advanced. Please note we are unable to cancel or speed up your order a week before it scheduled to be dispatched.
We are proud to support quality British design and manufacturing since 2012.
Almost all of our products can be shipped within the UK and internationally. However, some restrictions such as weight limit and manual handling requirements apply in some countries.
View order processing time, delivery, collection and returns options under "Delivery and Return" section at the bottom right of the page.
Collect from store: free local pick up and return from Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.